Projects (Phase 1)
In Phase 1, multidisciplinary GRAND network completed 38 projects cross-pollinated around 5 themes. Click on the large circles below for theme descriptions. See the Phase 2 Research Program for currently active projects.

GRAND projects explore the use and application of digital media in a variety of settings including entertainment, healthcare, education, environmental sustainability, and public policy. Click on the project acronyms below for more information. The themes associated with each project are represented by the smaller circles.
AFEVAL Evaluating Affective User Experience 

AMBAID Appropriate-Modality Bases for Ambient Information Display 

BELIEVE Believable Characters, Behaviors and Stories in Story-based Games 

CAPSIM From Capture to Simulation 

CPRM Confronting Pain: Redefining Mobility 

DIGIKIDZ Children’s Digital Culture: Connecting, Communicating and Collaborating in a Digital World 

DIGILAB Digital Labour: Authors, Institutions and New Media 
DIGLT Digital Games for Learning and Training 

DINS Digital Infrastructures 

ENCAD Enabling Technologies for CAD Systems 

EOVW Developing Methods for Evaluation of Virtual Worlds & Understanding User Experiences 

FRAGG Focusing Research about Gendered Gaming 

GAMFIT Gaming for Physical Fitness 
GRNCTY Greenest City Conversations 
HCTSL Human Centred Technologies for Sustainable Living 

HDVID New Interactions Around HD Video 

HLTHSIM Multi-Modal Augmented Reality for Training Healthcare Professionals 

HSCEG High-Speed Coordination in Electronic Games 
INCLUDE Accessibility of New Media for Disabled, Elderly and Vulnerable Individuals 

MCSIG Monte Carlo Search in Games 
MEOW Media Enabled Organizational Workflow 

MOVITA New Directions in Moving Image Technology and Aesthetics 

NAVEL Network Assessment and Validity for Effective Leadership 

NEUROGAM Employing Game Technology for the Remediation of Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Children 
NEWS Access to News Media: Production, Search, Retrieval and Distribution 

NGAIA Next Generation Information Appliances 

PERUI Personalized User Interfaces in Real World Contexts 

PLAYPR Play and Performance Interfaces for Culture and Games 

PRIVNM Usable Privacy and Security for New Media Environments 

PROMO Procedural Modeling 
SHRDSP Understanding Roles and Rules for Shared Display Environments 

SIMUL Enhanced Communication in Simulation and Training 

VIRTPRES Enhanced Virtual Presence and Performance 

VSS Visual Science for Stakeholders: Experimental Designs of Scientific Visuals for Health and Science Consumers