

Animation, Graphics, and Imaging (AnImage)

Leader: Brian Wyvill, University of Victoria
Co-Leader: Pierre Poulin, Université de Montréal

One of the biggest challenges in animation and games is content creation. Because it is time and labour intensive, there is a barrier to scalability for companies and also to the possibility of “prosumers” and amateurs engaging in creation.

In response, the field of computer graphics research has begun to shift from investigating raw capabilities to finding more scalable methods to create content and build interactive worlds.

The AnImage theme will not only tackle the question of how to create content, it will also question what to create, including ways to intuitively guide creators toward the details that matter. Areas of focus will include: Animation, Scalable Content Generation, Effective and Intelligent User Interfaces, and Human Perceptions.

Integrating interactions with other GRAND themes, AnImage research will result in new knowledge and technology addressing the vast challenge of content generation and scalability. It will further impact the deployment of digital technologies in a large range of social contexts and contribute to the quality of life for all Canadians.


PHASE 1 Research Program